Flaming Cliffs 3


Membre del personal
11 Desembre 2010
Barcelona - Catalunya
Hola companys, potser estarem de enhorabona, es veu que els nois de ED continuen treballant amb el Lock On i no donen per perdut el projecte, es veu que volen que sigui compatible amb l'A-10 i el nou BS2, ara, com sempre només cal esperar i veure com evoluciona la cossa.

Us copio una part de la propaganda que m'han enviat els nois de ED per promocionar el nou BS i l¡A-10 rebaixats.

Development also continues on Flaming Cliffs 3. This will be a paid-for update to the Flaming Cliffs series which brings it to the level of modern DCS, the most remarkable changes are:

- mission editor,
- AI,
- units,
- dynamic weather,
- graphics sfx.

We consider to include several improvements to aircraft flight models and systems, a resource management system, and several other new features. This will also make Flaming Cliffs online compatible with A-10C and Black Shark 2. The price will depend on the features we include

També es veu que volen treure un add-on anomenat "Combinated Arms", aquí del que es tracta:

Development continues on the upcoming add-on "Combined Arms". This paid-for add-on will allow A-10C Warthog, Black Shark 2, and Flaming Cliffs 3 owners to:

- act as ground force commanders as the mission is running,
- direct ground units,
- set fire missions for artillery and multiple rocket launchers,
- take the role of a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC).

As the JTAC, players will have:
- night vision goggles,
- IR pointer,
- laser designator,
- Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR).

Several other new items are still being considered. Combined Arms will work in both single player and multiplayer missions.

Bones festes companys i bons vols.
