(Editat) TvT (team vs team) a la nostra dimensió

29 Abril 2013
Diverses vegades ha sorgit d'algun membre de la comunitat la proposta de fer alguna partida PvP de tant en tant.

A continuació un mode que crec que pot escaure amb la dimensió que tenim: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20326

Attackers should capture the objective area from the defenders before time runs out, while defenders need to prevent them from completing their mission. Game is played in a "best of" system. To keep it balanced, your score must also be higher than the enemy by at least 2 points.

The objective area is picked at random from pre-defined areas, while insertion position and method can be selected by the leader of the attacking team.

Once there are more attackers than defenders within the objective area, they will begin to capture the zone. The higher the difference between attackers and defenders, the faster the capture speed. Capturing alone takes 60 seconds, while each additional player will bring down the duration significantly closer to the minimum capture time of 20 seconds.

Equipment is given based on a class system. Available classes depend on whether you are defending or attacking - attackers have superior equipment available.
Temps enrere vaig poder provar-ho en servidors públics i la veritat és que va ser interessant. Sobretot pel repte que suposa posar en pràctica tàctiques enfront un equip de imprevisibles humans ç:D .

Una altra avantatge és que les partides estan limitades per temps, per tant una proposta seria que de tant en tant complementéssim alguna de les operacions cooperatives amb una de pvp.
29 Abril 2013
Re: PvP a la nostra dimensió

De fet el mode que us comento es un TvT (team vs team). Disculpeu per la ignorancia en la terminologia. PvP es el que jo conec com DM (Deatmatch). Edito el tema del post.


Més pesat que Kuban
22 Abril 2014
Kassel, Alemanya
Buran said:
Sempre es emocionat saber que "lliutes" contra humans, a part, a mi el canibalisme m'agrada :çamor:
A mi es el que em passa en les cooperatives. No deixa de ser contra la IA i hi ha millors IAs que la de l'arma 3... hi ha vegades que es comporten com snipers i d'altres que no encerten ni, literalment, a tres metres. I no m'agrada gens la forma tan rápida amb la que et localitzen quan dispares des de lluny.


3 Juny 2011
Ciutat de Mallorca
això es soluciona posant a les missions el VCOM AI. Mai he vist una IA tant puta però m'encanta ç:D
millor que cap addon que hagui sortit encara.


es coordinen molt millor, cobreixen molt millor, et flanquegen molt millor,... Aqui tot lo que inclou:

Varying AI accuracy
AI accuracy will change depending on the range from the target. The closer the enemy gets, the more quickly they react and fire. This makes close quarters combat still challenging while allowing the AI to miss a few more shots than normal at long distances.

AI Communication
AI groups will actually communicate to each other when engaged with enemy forces. It is up to the AI to respond in the way they see fit.

AI Cover
AI will attempt to use anything nearby as cover in event of an engagement. If a group is caught in an open field - one might observe some AI suppressing while the others try to find cover.

Improved Flanking
The AI will attempt to flank the player from *good positions*. This means they will try to prioritize good terrain/cover areas even if this means falling back. AI will, if given the knowledge, chase players across the map if needed. They will constantly hunt down the players if provoked.

AI Responsiveness
AI should respond to threats a lot more quickly, and take cover as a result. If one unit in their squad takes fire they all will go into combat stance. AI that engage and kill a target will scan the area before going back into safe mode. They will not so easily/quickly go back into their default states as vanilla AI

AI Suppression
AI can become suppressed. Suppression makes them a bit more inaccurate and will most likely force them to lay down and respond from there.

Weapon Utilization
Want the AI to use those gosh darn static bags on their backs? Well now they will! Expect AI to deploy static weapon bags in combat, use them to suppress/cover and then pack back up to move up.
What about those smoke grenades? The AI will use smoke grenades to protect their retreats, flanks, or when suppressed.

AI will use satchels/demo charges to clear out buildings if they deem necessary.

AI will randomly garrison buildings during combat. Of course this is random but you might catch an AI in a building while in combat.
Putting the AI on a HOLD waypoint will force them to garrison buildings, and move around, in their surroundings instead of standing around like dim-wits.

The AI will dynamically change their formation depending on the environment. If they are on a hill, and want to all fire down upon an enemy - they will use line formation. In a town, they will most likely use stag. formation. Of course, during combat the formations are not prioritized at all.

Vehicle Disembarking
AI will disembark vehicles much before they reach a known enemy. This allows them to position as they see fit before engaging. Helicopters will also automatically unload troops when deemed necessary by the AI.

Visual Cues
AI can get knocked "unconscious" for a brief moment. They will roll onto their backs for a few seconds and then roll back into combat when they recollect themselves.
Shooting AI in the head will destroy their headgear, giving the players nice visual feedback.

Do you not like the last thing I just said? Well then, turn it off! It is up to the mission makers to customize elements such as that. You can change all the AI accuracy settings/MISC settings to your hearts content.
You can also dynamically change the AI accuracy settings by simply changing the variable values in-game.

The AI will respect mission makers! The AI is designed to be flexible enough to make a difference but not over controlling to the point that missions get ruined. If you put down a squad of AI without a waypoint, they will respond as they see fit. However, if you put down a squad of AI with a hold waypoint, guard waypoint, or any waypoint at all, they will prioritize their current orders and be less likely to support friendlies as a result.
You can also disable the AI improvements selectively, and on the fly by a simple command.