Una alternativa a ACE: Authentic Gameplay Modification


Més pesat que Kuban
22 Abril 2014
Kassel, Alemanya
He trobat aquest tema als forums de bistudio.

És una modificación total de l'Arma 3 originalment basada en TMR. L'equip darrera d'aquest mod és el que fa també el de l'exèrcit alemany: el "Bundeswerhr Mod". El millor de tot es que és OpenSource i per tant qualsevol pot col.laborar-hi a diferència de l'ACE. Intentaran publicar-lo en un mes.

El tema als fòrums de bistudio:
http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.p ... dification

Què farà el mod i codi font:


Més pesat que Kuban
27 Desembre 2011
He estat xafardejant i té bona pinta. Hi ha algunes coses ja implementades i d'altres que falten per fer i que poden ser interessants. El que veig més interessant es poder personalitzar-ho al nostre estandard i més tenint el codi font. De fet algunes funcions que ja tenen son srmblants a les que voliem afegir per una campanya dinàmica de l'Arma 3 que tenim en mira


Més pesat que Kuban
22 Abril 2014
Kassel, Alemanya
Ostres, aneu-m'he informant. Jo tinc certs coneixements de programació (FORTRAN, C/C++ i programació en paral·lel). Potser podria aportar alguna cosa en scripts, no tan, per no dir gens, en modelatge.


Membre del personal
Personal Arma
Personal DCS
He estat provant el mod, i te molt bona pinta, bàsicament es un little ACE2 per l'ArmA3. Personalment jo el ficaria al nostre Estàndard, tot i que primer he de verificar la compatibilitat que te amb el nostre estàndard, perque hi han coses duplicades, però si es pot, jo el ficaria.


Membre del personal
Personal Arma
Personal DCS
Com fer servir l'addon AGM

En el pegat 1.9 del nostre estàndard s'ha inclòs aquest addon. Primer de tot, cal revisar la configuració de l'addon un cop dintre de qualsevol partida. Per fer això, li donem a l'Esc i a dalt a l'esquerra en surt el botó "Opcions AGM", fem clic. Llavors ens sortira un menú de tecles configurables.

Canviar mode de granades: Ens permet llançar les granades en paràbola alta, directe, o al costat nostre.
Taps per les orelles: Les explosions fortes ara ens deixen una mica sords, amb els taps ho evitem.
Menú de interacció: Es el menú per interactuar amb altres persones o objectes, com curar un company per exemple.
Menú de interacció (pròpia): Es el menú per interactuar amb un mateix, com curar-nosa nosaltres mateixos.
Obrir / Tanca portes: Una tecla rapida per obrir o tancar les portes dels edificis sense cercar l'opció al menú del ratolí.
Augmentar la brillantor de les NVG: Augmentar el guany de les ulleres de visió nocturnes. L'efecte no es massa bo.
Disminuir la brillantor de les NVG: Disminuir el guany de les ulleres de visió nocturnes. L'efecte no es massa bo.
Recolzar l'arma: Recolzar l'arma, com fins ara fèiem.
Limit de velocitat: Quan ho activem en un vehicle, aquest no supera la velocitat indicada a l'hora d'activar-ho.
Seleccionar Pistola: Tecla rapida per canviar a Pistola.
Seleccionar Fusell: Tecla rapida per canviar a Fusell.
Seleccionar Llançador: Tecla rapida per canviar a Llançador.
Seleccionar Llançador granades: Tecla rapida per canviar a Llançador de granades acoblat a l'arma.
Seleccionar Binoculars: Tecla rapida per canviar als prismàtics. La B encara fa el mateix.
Enfundar l'arma: Es posa el fusell a l'esquena o la pistola a la funda.
Il·luminar objectiu: Ara amb els vehicles no regulem la distancia manualment, si no que amb aquesta tecla automàticament es regula la distancia quan li donem.

Aquí teniu un llistat de totes les característiques a data d'avui.
  • More Detailed Damage Model
    The damage a unit receives is now divided into head, torso, left & right arm and left & right leg.
  • Pain Effect
    Units receive pain (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjnuO7O1ZIE). Pain decreases over time and can be reduced with morphine. Too much morphine, however, will kill the patient.
  • Bloodloss
    Units with untreated wounds lose blood until they are bandaged.
  • Unconsciousness
    When receiving alot of damage at once or losing too much blood, a unit falls unconscious. Unconscious unit can be "woken up" with epinephrine.
  • Patient Transport
    Unconscious units can be dragged and carried, and loaded into vehicles for transport.

  • Jumping
    When running or sprinting, the standard vaulting animation is replaced with a jump.
  • Better Slow Walking Animation
    The default animation with the left arm stupidly dangling around was replaced with one with the hand on the weapon.

Map Changes
  • Bigger Coordinates & Compass
    Grid coordinates and compass bearings on the map are now actually readable. Compass scaling is also instant now, since some could find the bigger compass distracting.
  • Deactivated "Jump to current position" - Button
    This button worked even when showing the current position on the map was disabled in the difficulty settings.

  • Everyone Can Eject
    You can now eject from every seat in every vehicle.
  • Flare Modes
    Just like in Arma 2, you can now switch between burst and single mode for flares, the latter one only firing 1 pair each.
  • Better Radar Warnings
    You now get warnings when a missile is trying to lock onto your vehicle, and not just when the missile is already in flight.
  • Realistic Names
    Wherever possible, aircraft now have their real-world names.

Ground Vehicles
  • Realistic Names
    Wherever possible, vehicles now have their real-world names. For some fictional vehicles, like the Sandstorm and the Cheetah, more fitting (in this case, Hebrew) names were chosen.
  • Fire Control System
    Tanks and APCs are equipped with a fire control system allowing the gunner to engage both stationary and moving targets by lazing them using Tab.
  • Speed limiter
    Drivers of Cars and Tanks can limit their maximum speed to the vehicles current speed to simulate an easier handling of the gas pedal.

  • Backblast
    All launchers now create a backblast area, wounding units standing behind you. You will also be injured when firing launchers too close to a wall. The actual values are dependent on the weapon.

  • Show Names
    Show the names of the player you're looking at.
  • Interaction Menu
    Use the new command rose style interaction menu to interact with others or yourself.
  • Send Civilians Away
    You can now tell civilians to get away, or go prone.
  • Gestures
    Use hand signals to communicate silently.

  • Realistic Names
    Whenever possible, weapons now have their real-world names. (taken from TMR)
  • Realistic Stats
    Realistic fire rates and dispersions based on RL values (taken from TMR)
  • Wind & Humidity Ballistics
    Wind and humidity now affect bullets in flight. AI are, to improve performance, exempt from this and instead have their aiming skill reduced based on the strength of the wind to imitate the effects.
  • Weapon Resting
    Rest your weapon (or deploy your bipod) on the ground, against walls etc.
  • Weapon Jamming and Overheating
    Weapons will overheat if you fire a lot of bullets in a short amount of time. Overheated weapons will be less accurate and create a smoke puff effect depending on their temperature. Extreme temperatures will even reduce the bullet velocity. With machine guns, you can change their barrels if you have a spare barrel in your inventory to negate these effects.

  • Wind Readout
    Check wind direction and strength whenever you open your compass.
  • Adjustable NVG Contrast
    You can now adjust the contrast of your NVGs yourself.
  • Glasses
    Sunglasses etc. actually have an ingame effect now.


Membre del personal
Personal Arma
Personal DCS
Amb la complicació dels objectes mèdics, els hi havia fet una proposta a la gent de AGM perque incloguessin un kits amb una mica de tot, i m'han respost que això ja ho porta, aixi quan agafem el els kits originals de l'ArmA 3, automàticament son reemplaçats.

First Aid Kit (Equip de primers Auxilis)
- 2 venes.

Medickit (Equip medic)
- 5 morfines.
- 4 epinefrines.
- 2 bosses de plasma.


Membre del personal
Personal Arma
Personal DCS
Han tret versió nova 0.91, aixi que aquesta setmana actualitzaré l'estàndard amb això i altres addons pendents de posar al dia. A part de les correccions i modificacions, us deixo el llistat de coses noves.

- Added: Better Fatigue system.
- Added: Changes to the behaviour of air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles and rockets (thanks Crusty)
- Added: Changes to the flight behaviour of various planes (thanks Crusty)
- Added: Check PBOs module to allow mission makers to make sure that everyone has the right AGM subset.
- Added: Helicopters now have the fire control system aswell.
- Added: Key for shoulder tapping
- Added: Laser Marker to the copilot seat of the Wildcat (thanks Crusty)
- Added: Module for the medical system, allowing mission designers to customize a variety of options
- Added: More ammo types (armour-piercing, subsonic)
- Added: Option to check weapon's temperature
- Added: Passengers of medical vehicles now don't bleed anymore.
- Added: Player names and weapon selection via number keys can now be turned off in the AGM options.
- Added: Players are now notified when they abort an action.
- Added: Players are now notified when they are given morphine to prevent grieving.
- Added: Realistic weaponry and weapon names for vehicles
- Added: Thermal properties of humans were adjusted. (thanks nKey)
- Added: Unconscious players can't talk with TFAR anymore.
- Added: Weapons that are compatible with TMR_Autorest (bipods) are now also compatible with AGM_Resting.


Membre del personal
Personal Arma
Personal DCS
Han tret nova versió de l'AGM, 0.93 amb moltes coses noves, l'acabo de provar aixi per damunt i està molt be, cada cop s'assembla mes a l'ACE2.
Però ara no surt tot a l'Arsenal, aixi que haurem de revisar el tema.

Si voleu veure el llistat de canvis.
- Added: New Explosives system including different trigger types
- Added: New Logistics system including vehicle maintenance, cargo transport and refueling
- Added: Ability to drag static weapons around
- Added: Map Tool
- Added: G-Forces effect and possibiity of GLOC
- Added: Ported Kestrel from the BWMod
- Added: Ported Vector IV from the BWMod
- Added: Magazine Repacking
- Changed: Consolidated a bunch of PBOs

- Fixed: Aborting treatments would cause inability to treat again for a short time.
- Fixed: AI was able to heal themselves with random items.
- Fixed: Ammo wasn't shown in static weapons.
- Fixed: Armed KA-60 would spawn without rockets.
- Fixed: Camshake calculation would produce a script error when a weapon would have no recoil.
- Fixed: Certain damage sources would damage various body parts.
- Fixed: Checking your ammo without actually having a magazine would result in a script error.
- Fixed: Game would crash when loading certain, large missions.
- Fixed: Hand grenades would produce excessive ragdoll force.
- Fixed: ODing on morphine now kills you even with Prevent Insta Death on.
- Fixed: Patient would hover in midair when carrying is aborted during the animation.
- Fixed: Playing with clantags using <>s would break certain displays.
- Fixed: Using moduload together with AGM would duplicate key EHs
- Fixed: Waking up in a vehicle would eject you.
- Fixed: Weapon resting would bug out during transitional animations.
- Fixed: Wiping your goggles would cause cam shake even in 3rd person.
- Fixed: You could check the temperature of binoculars.

- Added: A fix for the offset of the crosshair in the Comanche
- Added: Action Menu option for releasing things for quick access
- Added: Admins can now still use the chat while unconscious.
- Added: Bluforce Tracking Module
- Added: Check PBOs module
- Added: Fatigue System
- Added: Fixed guided artillery shells.
- Added: Grenades can now be selected with [6] (lethal) and [7] (non-lethal)
- Added: Hand Flares
- Added: HUD for the AH-9
- Added: Incremental door opening (hold down the button and scroll).
- Added: Major buff to flares of all kinds.
- Added: Medical module option to heal the entire body with 1 bandage.
- Added: Medical treatments now use the patient's supplies first.
- Added: Mission designers can allow certain AI units to fall unconscious using "this setVariable ["AGM_AllowUnconscious", true]".
- Added: Model for the epipen
- Added: Model for the morphine injector
- Added: Module option for maximum unconsciousness time before death
- Added: Option to reset a key binding to defaul.
- Added: Possibility to manually adjust the FCS range in 50m steps
- Added: Prisoner system allowing you to detain people with cableties and escort them around.
- Added: Respawn module and options
- Added: Self-Interaction option to reset the FCS
- Added: Some blood mist effects on hit
- Added: Support of Ctrl, Shift, Alt as keybindings
- Added: Tapping another person also causes camshake for you.
- Added: The inventory screen now shows you the weight of your equipment numerically.
- Added: Weapon jamming of overheating weapons
- Added: When using the "Require Diagnosis" option, the result of a diagnosis is now broadcasted to other players standing nearby.
- Added: Wirecutting using the toolkit
- Added: You can now attach various signalling devices to yourself (IR strobes).

- Changed: Added some colour to the diagnosis dialog.
- Changed: Ammo types in APCs are now, like in MBTs, selectable using the action menu.
- Changed: Buffed weapon resting and bipod deploying.
- Changed: Falling damage now only damages legs.
- Changed: Icons of morphine injector and epipen
- Changed: Lowered the firing rate of the XM312.
- Changed: Moved the plate carrier nerf to AGM_Ballistics.
- Changed: reloadTime of the single flare mode was reduced.
- Changed: Removed AGM_Sway in favour of the new vanilla sway.
- Changed: Removed the need to remove people from their group when falling unconscious.
- Changed: Renamed PBOs to lowercase for linux server compatibility.
- Changed: Reworked Name Tags
- Changed: Reworked the way unconsciousness blocks user input, fixing a bunch of bugs.
Com a coses noves importants.

- Podem manegar els explosius d'una manera mes eficaç, ara per poder detonar-los remotament que el detonador per exemples, podem col·locar els explosius on vulguem (encara no s'enganxen), tenen diferents disparadors.
- Podem arrossegar i girar les armes estàtiques, carregar-les als vehicles a mes d'altres coses, tenim rodes i bidons de recanvi als mateixos.
- Tenim eines per el mapa (mesurar distancies i aquestes coses).
- Tenim el Kestrel per mesurar força del vent i direcció.
- Tenim els prismàtics Vector IV (semblants als de l'ACE2.
- Tenim bengales de ma.
- HUD al AH-6.
- Podem obrir la porta poc a poc (la tecla d'obrir mantinguda i rodeta del ratolí).
- Podem fer presoners i escortar-los.
- Les armes es poden encasquetar si es sobreescalfen.
- Podem fer caure tanques de filferro amb les Eines.
- Podem acoblar-nos a nosaltres llums químiques o estroboscòpiques IR.


Més pesat que Kuban
22 Abril 2014
Kassel, Alemanya
Han tret una nova versió fa uns dies (el dia 21/12/2014), afegint per exemple Fast roping. Crec que hi havia un mod a l'estàndard que afegia aquesta funció (Lifter for Arma 3?);

- Added: Fast Roping (#336)
- Added: Damage system for land vehicles preventing explosions for unarmed vehicles and introducing cook-offs to tanks (#1122)
- Added: Basic climbing functionality (#1782)
- Added: Inventory resize (#1576)
- Added: Weapon Safety (#71)
- Changed: Completely rewrite medical module (#1224)
- Moved damage handling into non-scheduled environment
- Consolidated treatment functions
- Allowed prone treatment
- Allowed individualization of module options
- Added alternative pain effect
- Allowed unloading of FFV cargo positions
- Custom EHs for unconsiousness etc.
- Added usage of fn_doAnimation
- Synchronized carrying animation
- Made AI scream on hit
- Enabled AI unconsciousness
- Fixed translation issue in fn_takeItem
- Moved fnc_isMedic to Core.
- Changed AGM_Unconscious to AGM_isUnconscious
- Reworked animations
- Added MEDEVAC option (synchronize triggers and vehicles with module)
- Made AI treat themselves and others
- Treatment in vehicles
- Always allow treatment of everything
- Add blinding effect to waking up
- Made use of arm blood texture

- Added: Ability to push boats (#1487)
- Added: AGM_Aircraft functionality to new helicopters (#1548)
- Added: Air burst ammo for AA vehicles (#1264)
- Added: Allow certain interaction options in vehicles (#1666)
- Added: Different generations of NVGs with different image quality and FOV (#1585)
- Added: Enabled aiming in side-prone stances (#1670)
- Added: Option for respawn module for deleting the bodies of disconnected players (#1546)
- Added: Option to "Check PBOs" module to allow checking all mods (#1749)
- Added: Option to disable autocentering the mouse for submenus (#1498)
- Added: Paradropped boxes are now marked with smoke (#1642)
- Added: Possibility to carry out certain issues underwater (#1580)
- Added: Realistic names for the 3 new helis (#1519)
- Added: Removed flares from Greyhawk, gave them a realistic name (#1597)
- Added: Select elements in list-boxes with double clicks (#1443)
- Added: Show current channel when placing markers (#1578)
- Added: SwitchUnits module, allowing Insurgency-style unit switching (#1276)
- Added: Weapon shortcuts to planes (#1448)

- Changed: Better way to estimate bullet mass when value is not set (#1668)
- Changed: Brought back vanilla "twitches" (slightly modified) (#1780)
- Changed: Disabled FCS zeroing when in 3rd person (#1792)
- Changed: Don't throw grenades unless the player explicitly selected one (#1435)
- Changed: Improved wind calculation (#1732)
- Changed: Improvements to BFT, allowing recon icons and fixing maintenance ones (#1595)
- Changed: Interaction menu and progress bar now close when entering/leaving vehicles (#1633)
- Changed: Modified how the Kestrel looks at night (#1764)
- Changed: Moved some self-interaction options to submenus (#1428)
- Changed: Open altimeter with watch key (#1366)
- Changed: Optimized the way default objects in AGM_Logistics are handled (#1623)
- Changed: Rebalanced vest protection values (#1664)
- Changed: Removed AGM_GetIn (#412)
- Changed: Removed HUD displays for altitude and speed for parachutes in higher difficulties (#1467)
- Changed: Renamed "Lase Target" keybind name to reflect it also being used for rangefinders (#1456)
- Changed: Replaced smoke effect with refraction effect for overheating weapons (#1460)
- Changed: The Kestrel now shows the temperature instead of the position (#1393)
- Changed: Zeroing indicator now fades out (#1391)

- Fixed: "Bad move" rpt errors (#1674)
- Fixed: "Error - unit is dead" rpt errors (#1747)
- Fixed: "forceWalk" would always be false after releasing (consult GitHub wiki) (#1739, #1744)
- Fixed: "Radio message XXX not found" errors (#1475)
- Fixed: AGM_Interaction_fnc_addInteractionSelf didn't work (#1516)
- Fixed: ALIVE compatibility issues with the respawn button (#1553)
- Fixed: Animation issues with ladders (#1701)
- Fixed: Collision LOD of spare wheel (#1439)
- Fixed: Dead units could be taken prisoner (#1440)
- Fixed: Discrepancies between FCS zeroing and the display (#1555)
- Fixed: Error in respawn module (#1617)
- Fixed: FCS calculation would bug out when alt-tabbing (#1566)
- Fixed: Grenade selection issues with vehicles (#1534)
- Fixed: Issue with passengers in helicopters/planes getting excessive gforce (#1511)
- Fixed: Issues when using the FCS at very low distances (#1794)
- Fixed: Issues with name tags in "panorama" mode (#1620)
- Fixed: Issues with preloaded rockets/missiles for disposable launchers (#1455)
- Fixed: Issues with running AGM_Captives_fnc_setCaptive from init line (#1758)
- Fixed: It wasn't possible to enter Zeus when unconscious (#1748)
- Fixed: MX SW wasn't able to use silencers (#1457)
- Fixed: NameTags module was broken (#1616)
- Fixed: Players were unable to use their map while controlling a UAV (#1762)
- Fixed: Radio transmissions would go on indefinitely when falling unconscious (#1529)
- Fixed: Resting would make player stand up when resting in transitional animation (#1535)
- Fixed: Script error in interaction menu (#1536)
- Fixed: Script error in temperature calculation (#1659)
- Fixed: Various "Updating Base Class" errors (#923)
- Fixed: Various issues with Blue Force Tracking (#1170)
- Fixed: Various issues with FFV (#1512)
- Fixed: Various JIP problems (#1382)


Membre del personal
Personal Arma
Personal DCS
El fiador de l'arma es una mica estrany, a mi amb la tecla per defecte Ctrl+º no em funciona, i quan li poso un altre, funciona, però si disparo, el fiador es treu, nomes evitant el primer tret.
He estat provant algunes coses mes, diria que tot no funciona be, per exemple en teoria et pots curar ara dintre dels vehicles, però a mi em cancel·la l'acció sempre, però no sembla que hi hagin problemes importants, i algunes coses noves estan molt be, com poder apuntar amb les postures de costat al terra, o poder curar cos a terra que abans no es podia. A veure si ho fico a l'estàndard.

Hem de provar això d'escalar amb companys, perque l'addon que fem servir (tecla 2xC) permet ajudar companys a escalar, però aquest de l'AGM (Tecla Ctrl+V) no ho se si ho permet.