Necessito una traducció a l'angles


Membre del personal
Personal Arma
Personal DCS
Els d'Armaholic m'han rebutjat la noticia nostre per no esta en angles (cosa que no entenc perquè he vist d'altres que estaven nomes en Castellà). En tot cas necessito que algu amb coneixements d'angles bon em corregeixi el text. Us deixo l'original i la traducció per google retocada per mi.


Amb la intenció d'omplir un buit existent en la simulació, neix Cavallers del Cel, la primera Comunitat Catalana de Simulació, que pretén impulsar la simulació, acollint en una mateixa comunitat, a tots aquells que desitgen gaudir dels diferents simuladors.

Cavallers del Cel neix amb la il·lusió de poder gaudir entre tots dels nostres simuladors preferits, ja siguin aeris, terrestres, marítims o de qualsevol àmbit, civils i militars.
Amb aquesta comunitat, donem un pas mes en el foment de la simulació no solament a nivell nacional si no també internacional, i la diversificació de les experiències, obrint els braços a noves idees i noves formes de concebre aquesta passió que ens uneix, la simulació.

]Grups actuals de la comunitat:
ArmA 2/3
Fem partides cada dilluns, a l'ArmA2+ACE2+ACRE i ara estem preparant les d'ArmA3, el Divendres fem una cooperativa amb d'altres grups virtuals i la resta de dies anem fent Insurgencis i Dominations habitualment. No fa gaire vam fer un curs de combat bàsic i s'esta preparant un curs sobre l'ACE2, entre d'altres activitats.

Tenim varies campanyes en marxa, SEOW i missions concretes, cada dimarts i dijous. Volem IL2 i Cliff of Dovers, fem també recreacions de combat històrics com el bombardeig de Irun a la guerra civil (vam volar de republicans).

Actualment volem el Ka-50 i l'A-10C principalment, amb missions on els recolzem amb els aparells del FC3. Tenim una acadèmia en marxa els diumenges per aprendre a volar l'A-10C. Fem les missions principalment els dimecres.

Web i TS3:
Ens podreu trobar a i al nostre TeamSpeak 3 amb la mateixa adreça i la contrasenya "cat".
El fòrum del grup de l'ArmA es aquest.


In an attempt to fill a gap in the simulation, created Cavallers del Cel, the first Catalan Simulation Community, which aims to promote the simulation, a welcoming community, those who want to enjoy the different simulators.

Cavallers del Cel was created with the hope of enjoying favorite among all of our simulators, including air, land, sea or any area, civilian and military.
In this community, we take a further step in the development of the simulation, not only nationally, but also internationally and diversified experiences, opening his arms to new ideas and new ways of conceiving this passion that unites us the simulation.

With today's community:
ARMA 2/3
We entries every Monday to ArmA2 ACE2 ACRE, and we are now preparing ArmA 3. On Friday we cooperatively with other virtual groups, and other days we are doing Domination and insurgents regularly. Not long ago we did a basic course of action, and is preparing a course on ACE2, among other activities.

We have several campaigns running, SEOW, and specific missions, every Tuesday and Thursday. Fly IL2 and Cliffs of Dover and we are recreations of historical battle, such as the bombing of Irun in the Civil War (which we flew from Republicans).

Currently want the Ka-50 and A-10C mainly to support the missions where the aircraft FC3. We have Sunday school up to learn to fly the A-10C. We missions mainly on Wednesdays.

Web and TS3:
We can find and our TeamSpeak 3 with the same address and password "cat."
The forum of the ArmA 3 is this.
9 Agost 2010
Punt de Lagrange
He adaptat una mica el text per que soni millor en angles. Crec que no s'ha perdut cap concepte important.

Cavallers del cel (Knights of the Sky) is born with the aim to fill an existing gap in our country's simulation communitiy. Cavallers del cel is the first Catalan simulation community devoted to promote simulation, welcoming all who want to enjoy any kind of simulation.

Cavallers del cel allow to enjoy in community a wide range of well known simulators, either for ground, sea or air vehicles in any environment be it civilian or military. This community is prone to diversification and is fully open to new ideas and ways to enjoy the favourite hobby of simulation entusiasts, not just at national but also at international level.

Current active simmulation groups in our community:

With official matches in ArmA2+ ACE +ACRE every monday. Now we are preparing also activities with the recently launched ArmA3. Friday night is the time devoted to play cooperative matches with other communities. The rest of the week, members of Cavallers del Cel can enjoy insurgency or domination plays. Formation is a basic staple of our groups. We have just recently closed a basic combat training and we are preparing another more advanced on ACE2, plus other activities.

There are several campaigns underway, (SEOW - Scorched Earth Online War) and cooperative combat missions every tuesday and thursday. We also fly IL-2 COD (Cliffs of Dover). Among our activities, we also do reenactments of historical air battles, such as the bombing of Irun during the Spanish Civil War, played on the republican side.

We are currently flying mainly Ka-50 and A-10C. We also support the missions with FC3 planes. There is a flying school on sunday night to learn the full complexity of A-10C. Official missions are played on wednesdays.

Web and TS3:
You can find us at and in our TeamSpeak 3 (same addres as the website) with password "cat".

This is ArmA's Forum address.