El nou mapa del Caucas per finals de 2016


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Segons el Facebook oficial de ED sortirà a finals d'aquest any, i han deixat captures noves.
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Caucasus Map for 2.5 Update - 23 July 2016

Dear all,

I have a little news for you on the updated Caucasus map for DCS World 2.5. A key part of DCS World 2.5 will be the unification of the Caucasus and Nevada maps (and all other future maps). In order to do this, we first need to update the Caucasus map to the T4 map standard (as the Nevada map is).

Initially, we planned just to update the file structure and field textures, but we later decided to greatly expand on that. Because the Caucasus often servers as the first impression for new DCS World users, we feel it important to have a more substantial update that matches map quality to vehicle module quality. While the attached summer season images are still very much Work-In-Progress (with a lot of fixes, tuning and some pretty big changes to still come), they do provide a glimpse of where we are going.

In the attached images, you may notice the following: updated / higher resolution textures for almost all terrain surfaces, airfields, and ground objects; new tree system for both forests and “urban areas”; much greater population of forested areas; several new ground objects with improved geometry detail; deferred lighting system; new water renderer; procedural grass; corrected river and lake parallax; and improved shadows. We also hope to include a higher resolution terrain elevation mesh, but no promises on that. In previous images, we showed off how the updated map is looking from “squirrel cam” level, but today we thought we’d raise the camera up a bit.

Once the map update is near final with concreate poured, we can provide more details. However, prior to then, too much can still change to make any additional feature statements.
We share your desire to have “the great unification” happen as soon as possible, as it will make the lives of both developer and customer a lot easier. However, this map update is long overdue and will need to be completed before that can happen. We are still looking at this being completed by the end of 2016.

All in all, this is going to be a pretty extensive update to the map and we think will breath some new life into this region for both past and future missions. Best of all, we are providing this extensive map update for FREE.


Mes imatges al seu FB.


Més pesat que Kuban
12 Abril 2014
Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, Catalunya
1. Si "two weeks" equival a una unitat de mesura espai-temps completament impossible de desxifrar......a finals del 2016 pot voler dir entre l´any que vé i la propera glaciaicó? :çboix:

2. Si la sortida del Hornet està vinculada a la sortida de la 2.5, anem bé cireré :çulle:
3. Aquests de DCS haurien de parlar amb algú del comité olímpic rus a veure si els donen alguna cosa que els posi les piles :prot:
4.També comenten que volen millorar la resolució de la malla del tereny del Caucas però que no hi ha promeses sobre aixó.... ç:D ç:D ç:D ç:D ç:D ç:D ç:D

I fora conyes (que no ho són tant) les imatges tenen molt bona pinta.....

A veure si no triguen massa ç:D ç:D ç:D ç:D